
Research Participants Wanted

Assisting universities and other institutions to source research participants

External Research Studies

One Door receives many requests from Universities and other institutions to assist in the sourcing of research participants either through our membership or via advertisement.

An organisation wishing to undertake research with our members/consumers/staff/or other contacts is required to provide:

  • relevant documents outlining the project.
  • ethics approval from an authorised body.
  • participant information and consent form.
  • advertising flyer.
  • institution's logo / small advert containing logo jpg/png/gif.
  • a short introduction - maximum 150 words.
  • start and finish dates for participation / end of advertising.
  • if the institution would like to have it promoted on our Facebook pages.
***All applicants should read Conditions of Entry information below before applying.

Research Participants Wanted_Tile

Submit your research:

Application FORM

Conditions of Entry

All such proposals are to be approved by One Door Mental Health. Each proposal will be considered for its suitability in relation to One Door’s goals and objectives, the relevance to the membership or target audience and timing. The researcher(s) will be requested to ensure that participants get feedback on the results of the research.

Once approved, the project can be advertised on One Door’s public website and other relevant communications channels. If there are any uncertainties about approval the request will be referred to the CEO.

 One Door Mental Health requires acknowledgement in any published papers or PhD thesis that require a more active role in sourcing participants.

One Door also proactively seeks and develops partnerships with researchers at Universities. The partnerships range from the provision of peer-educators, the evaluation of a Fellowship program, a partnership wherein a staff member or One Door is actively involved in the research and other joint ventures.

One Door is committed to the development of evidence-based policies and programs through ongoing review and evaluation of existing programs, which forms an important part of One Door’s quality assurance procedures. Whether or not a program should be formally evaluated will depend on reporting requirements, the size of the investment, strategic importance, level of innovation and degree of complexity.

Research into mental illness

One Door Mental Health is dedicated to being at the forefront of knowledge about mental illness.

Help support research initiatives that contribute to understanding and treating mental illness.

As a non-profit organization, we rely on the generosity of donors like you to support our efforts to improve mental health outcomes. Your contribution will go directly towards funding critical research initiatives that will help us better understand and treat mental illness.