
Carer Education Sessions

Support, education and training for carers and families

Caring for Carers

Looking after a loved one who is living with mental illness is challenging. The selflessness it takes to support someone who isn’t well can take its toll on your health.

Ensuring you get the support you need to be the best version of yourself for your loved one is equally as important as their health.

Among the many supports we offer for families and carers is our Carer Education Sessions. These sessions are tailored specifically for families and carers of people living with mental illness.

Our education sessions cover a wide range of topics, including information to cope with the grief of diagnosis, how to care for someone living with mental illness while maintaining boundaries and caring for yourself and much more.

Access to One Door’s Carer Education Sessions are fully funded.

Please book sessions with your local Carer Advocate or email

Upcoming Carer Education Sessions

One Door's Carer Services have created a suite of workshops known as “Assisting Families”.

Specifically designed for families, carers and friends of those living with mental illness, these workshops are relaxed, caring and value the lived experience framework. Families can build on their knowledge and skills, and enjoy the support of others in similar situations.

Support Groups

Support groups build hope and strength through sharing experiences, problems, solutions, ideas and friendship. Our support groups have been a core part of what we do since we began. There are now more than 50 support groups across the state. 

We run a range of different groups that cater to all kinds of people affected by mental illness including families and carers.

Find Support

$50 can help your loved ones be the best version of themselves.

Help create a world in which people with mental illness are valued and treated as equals.