
Illawarra Clubhouse

A safe space for people with mental health challenges in Wollongong

A place for you in Wollongong

Illawarra Clubhouse offers a safe, supportive, respectful environment for people living with mental illness. It’s a place you can go to meet other people with lived experience of mental illness, take part in activities and find the help you need on your mental health journey.

Since our humble beginnings in 2009, operating just one day per week, our membership has grown significantly, and our members continue to take on more and more tasks including activities that assist with the day-to-day operation of the Clubhouse and that help members to build skills and confidence.

A place where you are welcome, wanted, needed and expected

lllawarra Clubhouse supports people living with mental health challenges on their recovery journey. Our aim is to help people avoid isolation; and give them a secure and inclusive place to go.

Our members and team work collaboratively to develop activities that build social, recreational, vocational and educational skills in a safe and positive environment.

These activities contribute to the day-to-day running of the centre and help each person to build self-esteem and confidence.

lllawarra Clubhouse warmly welcomes people to the centre; to come and make friends, take part in activities or simply have a cup of coffee and a chat.

Illawarra Clubhouse is open:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9:00am – 3:00pm

Find us at:

Illawarra Clubhouse

34 Auburn Street
Wollongong NSW 2500
(300m south of Wollongong train station)
P: 02 9879 2680
Email us

One Door Illawarra Committee

find out more

$50 can help us provide support to over 10,000 people impacted by mental illness a year

Donate now and help improving mental health services in the Wollongong area.