
Information & Support Line

Information & Support Line and Outreach Program

Navigating mental health together

Call 1800 843 539 (THE KEY)

One Door Telephone, Referral Information and Support Service (TRISS)  can provide you with information and support if you are living with mental challenges or are a carer, friend, or family member. Call us to find out about information and resources you need to learn more about mental health, to guide on your recovery journey or to offer a friendly voice when you need it the most.

Information & Support

Our team is made up of trained volunteers from various backgrounds, including tertiary students, individuals with lived experience of mental health challenges, carers, and supportive members of the public with an interest in mental health.

There are many reasons why you may want to give us a call:

  • To find out more information regarding certain mental illnesses – early intervention, symptoms, treatment options, support and therapeutic services that are available.
  • Perhaps you, or a loved one has been newly diagnosed with a mental illness and are after support on what to do next?
  • You may be a carer who would like to know how to support someone with a mental health challenge, and strategies for your own wellbeing?
  • Perhaps you work with someone who has a mental illness and you want to find out what the symptoms are and how best you can support their recovery.
  • You could be a student, a doctor, a community worker or simply an interested member of the public that would like to know more about mental health and the services available in NSW.

Whatever your needs, our team will be able to provide information, referrals and emotional support to callers regarding mental health.

Outreach Program

The Outreach program provides people living with mental health challenges with the opportunity to talk with a One Door trained volunteer on a regular basis and on a specified day.

Outreach provides important personal support and social contact to people living with mental health challenges. Consumers and carers join the program because they enjoy the opportunity to have a social chat or to reduce feelings of isolation. Most consumers enjoy our phone calls because they feel they have someone who is there for them and understands them. Our volunteers are not doctors or counsellors; rather they are a friendly and supportive voice on the other end of the phone. The calls usually last 15 – 20 minutes.

Contact Us

Information and Support Line 
Call 1800 843 539 (THE KEY)

Need urgent assistance?

TRISS is not a crisis service. It is a program designed to support people emotionally and prevent potential crises down the track.

In an emergency, please call 000 or go to a hospital emergency department, where they may refer you to a mental health and/or drug and alcohol service.

Crisis support

  • Lifeline (24 hours) 13 11 14
  • NSW Government Mental Health Line 1800 011 511
  • MensLine 1300 78 99 78
  • Suicide Call Back Service (24 hours) 1300 659 467
  • Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800

TRISS Website Tile

Want to learn more?

Download our flyer for more information. 


$50 can help us provide support to over 10,000 people impacted by mental illness a year

Help create a world in which people with mental illness are valued and treated as equals.