
CPS Western Sydney

Commonwealth Psychosocial Support (CPS) Program Western Sydney

People, Support, Recovery

CPS Western Sydney provides time limited recovery support for people living with severe mental health challenges to achieve their goals and improve wellbeing.

How can CPS Western Sydney help you?

There are a variety of supports on offer. You can choose any or all of the supports including:

  • Group supports with activities, social connection, and recovery focused groups.
  • One on one peer support.
  • One on one Service Navigation and connections to support services.
  • Option for support to apply for NDIS.

Who can access CPS Western Sydney?

Anyone can refer an eligible person to the program (with their permission) including self-referral, carers, family, friends and health professionals.

CPS Western Sydney can help people who:

  • are aged 16+.
  • are living with mental challenges.
  • are not receiving funding under NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme).
  • live in Western Sydney local government areas of Parramatta, Cumberland, The Hills Shire, and Blacktown.

Contact Us

Contact our intake teams via:

One Door Mental Health:
PH: 1800 843 539


Ph: (02) 8599 4840

CPS is delivered across Western Sydney by both One Door Mental Health and Uniting.

A close-up photo of a young girl laughing outdoors, with a radiant smile and the sun and CPS Western Sydney overlay

Want to learn more?

Download our flyer for more information.

DOWNLOAD FLYERreferral form

Download our monthly activity calendar  (PDF 1.7MB)

$50 can help us provide support to over 10,000 people impacted by mental illness a year

Help create a world in which people with mental illness are valued and treated as equals.