
Connector Hub - SWS (CPS)

Empowering people to improve wellbeing and achieve goals

Connector Hub - South Western Sydney (CPS)

Connector Hub is a free psychosocial support program that assists people with mental health challenges to live and participate in the community the way they want to.

Working with a CPS Access worker, you can develop the goals you want to achieve and participate in a range of activities to help you live your best life. This can be supporting you to connect with your community, finding work, education or accommodation and linking you up with services and health professionals to help you.

How can Connector Hub help you?

Connector Hub provides time limited recovery support for people living with severe mental health challenges to achieve their goals and improve wellbeing.

A recovery support worker and access worker can help you work on the goals you want to achieve by offering:

  • Social activities and outings.
  • Groups focusing on understanding mental health challenges, improving physical health and living the life you want.
  • Individual support.
  • Connection to other services and health professionals.
  • Support to reach your education, employment and financial goals.
  • Assistance with submitting a National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) application.

Who can access Connector Hub?

Connector Hub is for people who:

  • Live with severe mental health challenges, which causes barriers in your everyday life.
  • Aged 16+ years old.
  • Live in the South Western Sydney area (Bankstown, Liverpool, Fairfield, Campbelltown, Camden, Wollondilly and Wingecarribee).
  • Are not receiving funding under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

Contact Us

To make a referral or for more information please call the SWSPHN Intake Coordinators on 1800 518 216 or visit

One Door Mental Health, in partnership with Stride and Flourish Australia, has been selected to deliver Connector Hub in South Western Sydney for SWSPHN.

Connector Hub logo

Want to learn more?

Download our flyer for more information.

DOWNLOAD FLYERreferral form

Download our monthly activity calendar (PDF 6.8MB) 

$50 can help us provide support to over 10,000 people impacted by mental illness a year

Help create a world in which people with mental illness are valued and treated as equals.