Evaluation of resources for working with people who hear voices
Do you work with people who hear voices?
We invite you to be part of a research study to help us evaluate a set of online resources to help mental health workers to support voice-hearers using an evidence-based voice hearing approach. The resources were co-designed by voice hearers and clinical experts. The research is being conducted by The University of Sydney.
You are eligible if you are a mental health worker (e.g., clinician, support worker peer worker, psychiatrist) who works with voice-hearers.
Participating in the study involves less than 3 hours of your time spread over an 8 week period. In includes you going through the online resources (2 hours) and doing three questionnaires (5-20 minutes each). You will be randomised to receive the resources immediately (after doing the first questionnaire) or in 4 weeks’ time (after the doing the second questionnaire).
For more information please contact:
Dr Anne Honey