Welcome to One Door eNews
Up until now you’ve been kept updated on our happenings through Focus Magazine. As part of our new brand and our steps towards NDIS, we are reviewing everything we’re doing.
You may be wondering why we have changed our name and branding. Understanding the strong connection we have to our members, consumers, carers and other stakeholders, our decision to make the change was not taken lightly. We consulted widely and listened to the view of many members, staff and stakeholders. The new brand is not just a name; it’s our colours, the way our materials and website looks, the way we explain what we do, how we do it and why we do it.
This new brand brings together all our services, sites, programs and activities into one complete story that maintains the individual and local identities of our communities, but unites the power of the work we all do.It showcases the value we place on hope, lived experience, equality and supporting each other. This change does not change the values that we’ve always lived and worked by, it clarifies them.
As One Door Mental Health, the future is bright and we will continue to provide our much-needed mental health services and to strengthen the voice of our advocacy with a crystal clear sense of who we are and what we are about.
Our commitment to people with all kinds of mental illness is stronger than ever.
Rob Ramjan - CEO
To read more from the May 2017 eNews, click here.