What are we advocating for?
One Door has been very active on the advocacy front in 2017. Key advocacy issues emerging include reforms to the Primary Health Network (PHN) commissioning processes and concerns with gaps created by transition of funding for psychosocial programs into the NDIS.
One Door and others have met a number of times at Parliament House to discuss these issues. Most recently was a very successful Parliamentary Advocacy Day organised by Mental Health Australia.
There were around 50 not-for-profit organisations in attendance, the Prime Minister Malcom Turnbull, Opposition Leader Bill Shorten, Minister for Health Greg Hunt, as well as Senators and Members of Parliament.
All agreed that improvements in Australia’s mental health required a long-term approach. Key issues raised included reforms to the Primary Health Network commissioning processes, and concerns with the emerging gaps created by transition of funding for psychosocial programs into the NDIS.
Minister Hunt made some welcome announcements of policy intentions:
- NDIS: that State and Federal governments should equally match further investment for psychosocial services
- National suicide prevention- focus of discharge from hospital
- Primary Health Network Advisory Panel on Mental Health to be formed. The Advisory Panel aims to review the guidelines provided to the PHNs and commissioning process.
- Strengthening the Mental Health Nurse Incentive Program
One Door has also filed submissions to:
- The study of the NDIS costs currently underway and driven by the Productivity Commission
- House of Representatives established the Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme
- The proposed model for the delivery of carer services
- Disability Employment Services
We are working hard on developing the Advocacy section of our website so you can read our submissions and what we are doing in the advocacy space.
For more information please contact Ellen Marks, General Manager Advocacy and Inclusion, at ellen.marks@onedoor.org.au
To read more from the May 2017 eNews, click here.