Agents of Change
This year One Door launched the updated version of the Agents of Change. The Agents of Change is a manual that outlines strategies for grass roots advocacy, where social policy change is made through collective action by members of the community who work on changing access, stigma and quality of services for those living with a mental illness or carers.
As our first campaign led by the Agents of Change model, One Door launched a petition aimed at saving carer respite services. Funding for the Mental Health Respite: Carer Support (MHR:CS) program will be channelled into the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), leaving mental health carers without sufficient respite support. We want to make sure that funding for carer respite services is quarantined outside of the NDIS.
So far we have received over 700 signatures. Thanks to all who have signed, it’s a great effort! If you haven’t already signed please sign it and share it with your colleagues, support group, friends and family on Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin. Check our One Door Mental Health social media pages for links to like/share.
Dr Ellen Marks | General Manager – Advocacy and Inclusion
To see all of our submissions - Federal, State and Other, click here
To read more from the July 2017 eNews, click here.