Hello All,
I commenced in the role of CEO for One Door Mental Health 4 weeks ago. I am excited about what lies ahead for One Door and myself, as we travel the journey together through this time of change. It comes with no surprise from those of us who work in the mental health sector or to those we support, that the NDIS reform is far from sufficient.
I have come into One Door knowing that there is significant work to be done to help consumers and carers to navigate the NDIS and in advocating Governments on the need to provide effective support to all those affected by mental illness.
I have spent my first 4 weeks getting to know some of our services and I have been impressed with the commitment and dedication One Door staff have to our consumers and carers. One constant theme that I have heard from consumers and carers is the impact of services that enable connections – connections with others with a lived experience, connections with those who wish to partner with them in their recovery, connections that are keeping them alive! A sense of community is something we all long for; a place to be a part of, a place to be heard, a place to be ourselves.
As CEO of One Door, I am committed to building on the foundations of this organisation, to continue to listen to the voices of consumers and carers and to strengthen these valuable connections. To strengthen them through advocacy, strengthen them through our services, and strengthen them in partnership with consumers, carers and other stakeholders.
I hope that you enjoy our eNews.
Kathi Boorman | CEO