We are now well into 2018 and it is being a troubling year. The transition to the NDIS for many of our federally funded programs is problematic with funding being withdrawn at a much faster rate than the NDIA is processing our people. We are continuing to advocate wherever we can for remediation whilst being forced to consolidate our position to ensure sustainability. There are so many reports noting the difficulties, not just for our organisation, but for the non-government mental health system generally.
As a consequence of our difficulties noted above we have had to postpone this year’s Parliamentary Luncheon. We have not ceased this important event but it will have to be late this year or next year following the state election. However, the Symposium is going ahead and we have the best line up of speakers. I encourage you to attend and to speak with our presenters. See elsewhere in this newsletter for details.
The Wellness Walk will also go ahead in October, the 6th Annual Walk, which will once again be led by His Excellency Governor David Hurley. It should be a special event this year with the Invictus Games holding events in close proximity. Keep an eye out for more details coming soon.
I am also very pleased to give three pieces of excellent news about the Research Trust Fund. First, the Trustees are in the final stages of determining who will receive the 2018 grant. This will be a significant grant of up to $100,000 over two years. Second, the Board of One Door Mental Health has appointed two new Trustees. Kim Ryan is CEO of the Australian College of Mental Health Nurses and Emeritus Prof Stephen Crain heads up the Macquarie University ARC Centre of Excellence for Cognitive Disorders. Both bring long experience and expertise to the Trustees. Finally, the RTF has recently received two bequests, one of $100,000 and the second $5,000.
In finishing with such good news, I also hope that you all have a wonderful Easter break.
Rob Ramjan AM | CEO