Hello All,
A new year is usually a start of new commitments and refreshment from the year before – but for many of us around Australia, the year has sadly commenced with loss, tragedy and trauma due to the bushfires that continue to rage across the country. Our thoughts are with all those who have been impacted, our staff across NSW, and our consumers, carers, and communities. What has been important during this time of disaster is the importance of connection, togetherness and supporting each other, and we are committed to taking care of our communities anyway that we can. Our telephone information and support line continues to provide information and referrals to those impacted by the fires - 1800 843 539 - here is a flyer of helpful resources (PDF 873.9KB) the One Door team have put together.
For One Door in 2020, we will be continuing to make our organisation focused and centred on people – we are striving to be person-centred in the way we operate our services, and the way we support our staff and consumers. Our annual symposium has been set for Monday 18 May 2020, launching Schizophrenia Awareness Week, focusing on this very subject of purpose and person-centred care. This year our symposium will be held at Parliament House Sydney, so keep an eye out for more information about this unmissable event in the coming months. In this edition of our eNews there are also updates on our Supported Independent Living, Health Care services, Western Sydney Recovery College, Connector Hub South Western Sydney and lots of other information you may be interested in. Enjoy!
Kathi Boorman | CEO