
CEO Update

14th June 2023

You may have heard that One Door is going through a time of change. We want you to know that we’re still here, and still working to create a world where people living with mental illness are valued and treated as equals.

The changes to the mental health sector that started in 2016, along with the Covid-19 restrictions, have continued to present significant challenges. We’re not alone in this, my colleagues in the mental health sector also report negative effects.

At all times, One Door actively engages with staff, and the people we support, to find the best ways to adapt and thrive. In this spirit, we have started a consultation process with our impacted staff to explore the best way forward.

We’re committed to ongoing service delivery that ensures quality for the people we support, with a skilled workforce.

We’ll keep talking with you about any changes that we might make.

If you would like more information, please send an email to